74HC157 IC Quad 2 Input Multiplexer 2 to 1 Multiplexer Data Selector
74HC10 7410 IC Triple 3 Input NAND gate IC
7490 Decade counter IC 4 Bit BCD Counter IC
74147 10-to-4 Decimal to BCD Priority Encoder IC
74174 IC Hex D type Flip Flop with Reset Delay Flip Flop IC
74160 4-bit Presettable Synchronous BCD Decade Counter IC
74173 Quad D-Type Register IC with 3-State Output
74245 8-Bit 3-State Bus Transceiver IC
7476 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip Flop IC with Set and Clear
74HC240 74240 Octal Buffer - Line Driver Receiver 3-State Inverting IC
7486 IC Quad 2 input XOR gate IC Exclusive OR Gate IC
7404 IC - NOT gate Hex Inverter
74109 Positive Edge Triggered Dual J-K Flip Flop IC
74595 8-bit serial to parallel shift register
74LS166 74166 8-bit Shift Register Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift Register
74HC30 7430 IN 8 input NAND Gate IC
7400 IC - Quad 2 - Input NAND gate
7474 D Flip Flop with Presets and Clear Delay Flip Flop IC
7427 IC Triple 3 Input NOR Gate IC
74HC165 74165 IC 8 Bit Shift Register Parallel to Serial