CD4026 Decade Counter/Divider - 7 Segment Driver IC
TDA2030A 18W Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier IC
Family photo frame
5pc PC817 General Purpose Photocoupler Optocoupler
7447 IC BCD to seven segment decoder driver
CD4060 14-Stage Ripple Carry Binary Counter IC
CD4008 4 Bit Full Adder IC
24C16 16 Kbit Serial I2C Bus EEPROM Memory IC
74151 IC 8 input Multiplexer IC
6N137 Optocoupler High Speed Single Channel Optoisolator IC
74139 Dual 2-to-4 Line Decoder / Demultiplexer IC
Birthday photo frame
HT12D Decoder IC for RF Module
4516 IC CMOS Binary UP DOWN Counter with Preset
MC1408 8-bit DAC Multiplying Digital to Analog Converter IC
74374 Octal D Flip Flop IC
74163 IC Presettable Synchronous 4-bit binary counter IC
74189 64-Bit RAM with Tri-State Output
Microchip PIC16F886 8-bit Microcontroller
744020 14-Stage Binary Ripple Counter IC - 74HC4020