Line Follower Kit Contents
- AVR Atmega16 : 1
- IR Sensor: 2
- L293D Module: 1
- Male to Male Jumper wires: 10
- Male to Female Jumper Wire: 10
- Chassis: 1
- BO Motor with Wheels: 2
- Caster wheel: 1
- Breadboard: 1
Since this line follower kit is with Microcontroller so this is a programmable Robot Kit
Contact Us to get any help in circuit and programming
Line Following Robot Kit with AVR ATmega DIY LFR Kit
Line following robot is an automated robot which can start on its own, decide its path and stop on its own. LFR follows a certain path controlled by a feedback mechanism. This is one of the most common projects made by students due to its ease in making and learning outcomes.
LFR Kit Contents
- AVR Atmega16: 1
- IR Sensor: 2
- L293D Module: 1
- Male to Male Jumper wires: 10
- Male to Female Jumper Wire: 10
- Chassis: 1
- BO Motor with Wheels: 2
- Caster wheel: 1
- Breadboard: 1
- 7805: 1
This is an AVR Atmega based programmable kit.